Regulatory monitoring


customized simple

To make better decisions

400 companies and their 500 000 employees have chosen Echoline

The regulatory intelligence solution combining simplicity and excellence

A premium service

Step-by-step support, unlimited team of legal experts at your disposal, 100% plain language content.

A simple platform

Intuitive interface, easy navigation, streamlined processes for an effective and effortless regulatory intelligence experience.

An ISO compliant system

A regulatory intelligence service that fully complies with the requirements of the ISO 14001, 45001, 50001 and MASE standards in terms of HSE regulatory intelligence.

A monitoring solution completes

Un référentiel réglementaire ultra-personnalisé en un minimum d’effort. Nos années d’expérience associées aux dernières innovations permettent un déploiement rapide et sans efforts.

L’application vous alerte en temps réel des nouvelles réglementations vous concernant.

Les informations réglementaires sont accessibles à tous grâce à un système de recherche propulsé par l’intelligence artificielle Echoline, avec des textes synthétisés en language de tous les jours.
Vérifiez facilement et avec précision la conformité de votre organisation aux réglementations en vigueur grâce à une lecture et une évaluation exigence par exigence.

Votre organisation gère avec le minimum d’efforts et le maximum de précision sa conformité réglementaire.
Vous détectez des non-conformités lors de votre évaluation de conformité ? L’application Echoline vous permet de piloter la mise en conformité.

Résolvez les non-conformités directement avec le plan d'action intégré à l'application. Celui-ci permet un pilotage précis mono ou multi-sites de toutes vos actions de mise en conformité : planifiez, déléguez, relancez, la mise en conformité est facilitée!
Have a clear interface to manage the performance of your organization. Follow all of your organization's key indicators relating to regulatory monitoring, compliance assessment and action plan live.

This module facilitates the collection and analysis of data on selected perimeters and periods. A real plus to facilitate your decision-making.
Human support
Vous n’êtes jamais seul, votre référent dédié Echoline, disponible par téléphone et par mail, vous accompagne dans la gestion et le suivi de votre veille réglementaire.

Interlocuteur unique, expert juriste ou ingénieur, il est au courant des enjeux réglementaires de votre site.

Une équipe d’experts constituée de juriste et d’ingénieurs assurent le support réglementaire et technique.

Tailor-made for
different areas

The core business of our company, ECHOLINE offers its customers tailor-made regulatory monitoring in various areas:


Human resources

Food safety


Health & Safety at Work

Information System Security

Social and Environmental Responsibility

Over 50 countries covered
Try for 30 days

They are Factory managers
and use Echoline

A solution adapted to each organization

Sophie CAOUS
QHSE coordinator
France, Belgium & Spain
FLEXLINK-ECHOLINE, six years later, how's it going?
I've been using ECHOLINE since 2018, and it’s really simple. I can easily access my applicable texts, which are detailed in a way that everyone can understand. The breakdown done by the ECHOLINE legal team allows me to quickly identify the regulatory requirements that concern me. I only need to ask myself, "Am I compliant?" The ECHOLINE team is always responsive in helping me overcome any difficulties encountered in achieving compliance.
IMS Manager
ARAYMOND-ECHOLINE, Two Organizations Coming Together
With the ECHOLINE application, I can easily find the applicable texts on various topics, all on a user-friendly and simple interface. The legal experts at ECHOLINE are always available via chat to provide me with quick, personalized, and high-quality responses.
Anne-Laure MILHET
Environmental, Insurance, and Real Estate Manager
ECHOLINE has enabled me to implement a responsive regulatory monitoring system. The application allows me to track regulatory changes relevant to my company almost in real time. I receive email alerts about new texts, text modifications, and text repeals as they happen. Additionally, I receive a comprehensive, simplified monthly newsletter that helps me save time. Finally, if I have any questions, I can rely on the responsive assistance of the ECHOLINE legal team.
Morgane MOREL
QSE and CSR Manager
GRUNDFOS-ECHOLINE, the Legal Decoder
Lost in the thousands of regulatory texts and legal jargon, I didn't keep up with my monitoring regularly. I approached my audits with anxiety. Since subscribing to ECHOLINE and using its application, I conduct my regulatory monitoring once a week very easily and quickly. The team has made the experience pleasant with a simple and functional interface. For example, I can access summaries of texts with one click and easily understand what is expected. And if I have a specific need, my dedicated advisor is available and responsive!